CS-DC’21 World eMultiConference

04 - 10 December 2022








| About CS-DC 22


CS-DC’21 is the World e-Conference organized by the Complex Systems Digital Campus (CS-DC), a UNESCO UniTwin. It is devoted to all scientists involved in the transdisciplinary challenges of complex systems, crossing theoretical questions with experimental observations of multi-level dynamics. The previous one is CS-DC’15. It is open to e-satellite workshop CALL

CS-DC’n series is breaking new ground by enabling participation in a major scientific event without conference fees and without the need to travel – a concept at the heart of the international UNESCO UniTwin, embracing scientists from low-income and distant countries.

All selected presentations are given via our videoconference system. They are recorded and can be replayed later on for research and for education purposes, without time limit.

Great Questions about Complex Systems

Reconstructing Multi-Scale Dynamics

Multi-Level Modeling

Multi-Level Governance

Engineering and Control of Self Organization

Foundations of Complex Systems Science

 Crossing great  questions with great domains

 Conceptual Roadmap of complex  systems

Smart Continents’21 is organized by the Complex Systems Digital Campus (CS-DC.org), a UNESCO UniTwin. A UniTwin (University Twinning) is a network of Universities launching a new science, here addressing the transdisciplinary challenges on complex systems. There are two complementary ways to build the CS roadmap for these transdisciplinary challenges:
The first considers the great theoretical questions which cut across the experimental classes of complex systems and, the second takes the perspective of the experimental great classes as they cut across the theoretical great questions. In other words the theoretical questions cut across scientific domains such as psychology, economics, chemistry and medicine, while each domain must address all of the theoretical questions.

Great Domains of Complex Systems

From Particles to Complex Matter

From Molecules to Organisms and Ecosystems

From Individual to Social Cognition

From Fields to Territories to the Planet

From Molecules to Ecosphere

SIRE: Socially Intelligent Roadmap Ecosystem

The beauty of such CS roadmaps is that these two ways are creating the above matrix crossing great questions and great classes. The scientific “smartness” of the matrix is to create new scientific communities as transdisciplines, horizontally Complex Systems Science and, vertically, the new integrative and predictive sciences of the great classes: complex matter science, integrative biology and ecology, integrative cognitive science and environmental-social-economy of territories from households & farms to the planet can thus be immediately linked to the the “smartest” responsible innovations respecting the 17 UN Objectives of Sustainable Development for 2030.

Worldwide Wellbeing

 Community as a SIRE

 Flagship Projects

All Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goal 2

Sustainable Development Goal 3

Sustainable Development Goal 4

Sustainable Development Goal 10

This objectives above are the main commitments of CS-DC in its Cooperation Program signed with UNESCO.